"5th AQUA, 2024
Today: Friday 14 Feb 2025
Closing Date Extended: Wednesday 14 Aug 2024
Result will be published tonight.


Best Author Award: FIAP light Blue Badge, Montini Giulio (Italy)
Focus Award: FPC Gold Medal, Babak Mehrafshar
Best Club Award: FPC Gold Medal: Isfahan Photo Club

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Landscape Section

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FIAP Gold Medal (Best of Show)Calvin Downes (EFIAP/s)Breaking dawn over FujiEngland/ Shrewsbury
FPC Gold MedalLivinus Bleyen (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA)Sunrise Horseshoe BendBelgium/ Beringen
FPC Silver MedalH W Chan (GMPSA - FPSA - EFIAP/d3)Northland scenery 36Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Sar
FPC Bronze MedalGiuseppe Tomelleri (EFIAP/d3 - MFIAP)Val d Orcia nr 9Italy/ Verona
FIAP RibbonDominique Logeais (AFIAP)Jour de givreFrance/ Beaupreau
FIAP RibbonSaeed MohammadzadehEnd of floatingIran/ Bandare Anzali
Honorable MentionFrancesco Armillotta (EFIAP)molisano landItaly/ Manfredonia
Honorable MentionAmin Dehghan (EFIAP)FlamingoIran/ Isfahan
Honorable MentionSeyad Ali Dormiani Bozorg (EFIAP)Desert DolphinIran/ Isfahan
Honorable MentionMontini Giulio (EFIAP/d3)ISLANDA 45Italy/ Casnate
Honorable MentionMehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)ghost ship5Cyprus/ Nicosia
Honorable MentionLaszlo Papp (AFIAP)Is this the heavenHungary/ Budapest
Honorable MentionHeinz Peks (EFIAP)Drei ZinnenGermany/ Schwanfeld
Honorable MentionYury PustovoySunrise in PatagoniaRussian Federation/ Moscow
Honorable MentionAlireza ShahhamzehTanhaIran/ Kashan


Avin AbbasibanehIran/ Baneh
Mehdi AbrariLink between heaven and earthIran/ Lar
David Adamson (EFIAP/p)Gathered InEngland/ Cheltenham
David Adamson (EFIAP/p)Dales Farmhouse At DuskEngland/ Cheltenham
Rusu Adela Lia (EFIAP/b)DIVINE LIGHTRomania/ Oradea
Mohammadreza AhmadiThe galaxyIran/ Khormuj
Alexandrino Lei Airosa (PPSA)Daybreak in Old BaganMacau/ Macau
Ramin AmaniHighway StarIran/ Isfahan
Armand Amenta (EFIAP/b)Hverir 1France/ Perignat Sur Allier
Francesco Armillotta (EFIAP)the landscape of tuscany 2Italy/ Manfredonia
Francesco Armillotta (EFIAP)molisano land (Honorable Mention)Italy/ Manfredonia
Doros AtheodorouAfter the SunsetCyprus/ Nicosia
Doros AtheodorouThe ShipwreckCyprus/ Nicosia
Pierre Bacquey (AFIAP)French ToscaneFrance/ Foix
Pierre Bacquey (AFIAP)Fort LouvoixFrance/ Foix
Amir BadrazimiRocky shoreIran/ Tehran
Hesamadin Bagheri Kafashdesert3Iran/ Rafsanjan
Hesamadin Bagheri Kafashdesert5Iran/ Rafsanjan
Anupam BanerjeeVIBRANT BOATIndia/ Durgapur
Anupam BanerjeeBARAGE SUNSETIndia/ Durgapur
Gerard Barbier (EFIAP/b)Dream of fantasyFrance/ Challans
Luis Maria BarrioHUAYNA PICCHUSpain/ Logrono
Michael BayazidiLakeIran/ Mahabad
Michael BayazidiLoughIran/ Mahabad
Asghar Besharati (AFIAP)ChahoIran/ Qeshm
Asghar Besharati (AFIAP)NamakDan8Iran/ Qeshm
Bob Bishop (EFIAP/s)SundownEngland/ Nailsea
James Black (EFIAP)UllswaterScotland/ Kilmarnock
James Black (EFIAP)Autumn ReflectionsScotland/ Kilmarnock
Livinus Bleyen (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA)Great Wall of China SunriseBelgium/ Beringen
Livinus Bleyen (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA)Stokksnes SunsetBelgium/ Beringen
Livinus Bleyen (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA)Sunrise Horseshoe Bend (FPC Gold Medal)Belgium/ Beringen
Simone Boddi (EFIAP/d2)val d orcia 17Italy/ Rignano Sull Arno
Simone Boddi (EFIAP/d2)val d orcia 21Italy/ Rignano Sull Arno
Pietro Bugli (EFIAP/d2)Tuscan countryside 9Italy/ Livorno
Rucsandra Calin (EFIAP/p)A new beginning in the Apuseni MounRomania/ Craiova
Rucsandra Calin (EFIAP/p)the water droopRomania/ Craiova
Michel Camborna (AFIAP)15 Chutes Iguacu 2France/ La Gacilly
Luciano Cardonati (EFIAP/d2)vayoletItaly/ Figline E Incisa Valadarno
H W Chan (GMPSA - FPSA - EFIAP/d3)Northland scenery 36 (FPC Silver Medal)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Sar
H W Chan (GMPSA - FPSA - EFIAP/d3)Morning of Geningolan 1Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Sar
Chun Yip ChauSea SceneryHong Kong/ Kowloon Bay
Chun Yip ChauMount Zhutan SceneryHong Kong/ Kowloon Bay
Asim Kumar Chaudhuri (EFIAP/s - MPSA)PANGONG LAKE INDIAIndia/ Kolkata
Changsheng ChenTerraces on the morningChina/ Fuzhou
Changsheng ChenWetland grasslandChina/ Fuzhou
Chidi ChenSleepy Fishing VillageTaiwan/ Taipei
Xinghua ChenLittle homeChina/ Fuzhou
Raymond Yik Cheung ChungCloud Sea 001Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Sar
Raymond Yik Cheung ChungSunset Peak 004Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Sar
Tony Clementz (AFIAP)ApproachSweden/ Gothenburg
Malcolm Cookinto the stormEngland/ Leicester
Malcolm Cooknautical twilightEngland/ Leicester
Malcolm Cooktrees abstractsEngland/ Leicester
Lorant Csakany (AFIAP)RainbowSerbia/ Subotica
Zsuzsanna CsillagAbove the cloudsHungary/ Budaörs
Zsuzsanna CsillagVeil waterfallHungary/ Budaörs
Shahriar Dabiri (AFIAP)Milkyway reflectionIran/ Tehran
Shahriar Dabiri (AFIAP)Shormast lakeIran/ Tehran
Massimo De CataArmata EolicaItaly/ San Giovanni Rotondo
Massimo De CataSS AssuntaItaly/ San Giovanni Rotondo
Daniel DebostSoleil rougeFrance/ Saint Julien De Coppel
Amin Dehghan (EFIAP)the mountainIran/ Isfahan
Amin Dehghan (EFIAP)Flamingo (Honorable Mention)Iran/ Isfahan
Jean Claude Delon (EFIAP)Jacques s sunsetFrance/ Clermont Ferrand
Huynh Nam DongDuong CongVietnam/ Da Nang
Seyad Ali Dormiani Bozorg (EFIAP)Desert Dolphin (Honorable Mention)Iran/ Isfahan
Seyad Ali Dormiani Bozorg (EFIAP)Golden desertIran/ Isfahan
Calvin Downes (EFIAP/s)Breaking dawn over Fuji (FIAP Gold Medal (Best of Show))England/ Shrewsbury
Calvin Downes (EFIAP/s)Manhattan Financial skylineEngland/ Shrewsbury
Calvin Downes (EFIAP/s)Wadi Aday OmanEngland/ Shrewsbury
Jiri Durdik (EFIAP)The lanscape of dreamsCzech Republic/ Praha 11 - Haje
Francesco Falcone (AFIAP)LandscapeT3Italy/ Manfredonia
Francesco Falcone (AFIAP)TuscanyItaly/ Manfredonia
Hamed Farjadipanorama galaxy tafreshIran/ Tehran
Miguel Augusto Fierro (EFIAP)VOLCAN INTIHUASIArgentina/ Córdoba
Martin Fry (EFIAP/d1)Green oasisEngland/ Churchdown
Martin Fry (EFIAP/d1)Winter LightEngland/ Churchdown
Christine Gaboriau (AFIAP)Peage fluvialFrance/ Falleron
Montini Giulio (EFIAP/d3)MORNING FOGS 1Italy/ Casnate
Montini Giulio (EFIAP/d3)MORNING FOGS 3Italy/ Casnate
Montini Giulio (EFIAP/d3)ISLANDA 45 (Honorable Mention)Italy/ Casnate
Damir Gizdavcic (AFIAP)Oasis of relaxationSlovenia/ Kranj
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)glimpseCyprus/ Nicosia
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)thin lineCyprus/ Nicosia
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)ghost ship5 (Honorable Mention)Cyprus/ Nicosia
Jean Jacques Grethen (EFIAP)Atlantic ocean 2Luxembourg/ Beyren
Jean Jacques Grethen (EFIAP)Las BardenasLuxembourg/ Beyren
Richard Hainsworth (EFIAP)Pen Yr Ole WenUnited Kingdom/ Northop
Richard Hainsworth (EFIAP)Cwm IdwalUnited Kingdom/ Northop
Ayla HashemiBafgh desert 1Iran/ Tehran
Javad Hassanpour (AFIAP)milkywayIran/ Esfarayen
Javad Hassanpour (AFIAP)pakotal2Iran/ Esfarayen
Tuula HautamakiMorning gloryFinland/ Tampere
Lawrence Homewood (AFIAP)Cappadocia Fairy ChimneysEngland/ Godstone
Lawrence Homewood (AFIAP)Brandenberg WinterscapeEngland/ Godstone
Chinshuang HuangDawnTaiwan/ Taoyuan City
Marie Hyvernaud (AFIAP)Au loin ManhattanFrance/ Foix
Maryam JafariDownfallIran/ Mashhad
Siamak Jafari (AFIAP)sea horizoneIran/ Rafsanjan
Payam KarimiCamp on the cloudsIran/ Tehran
Mahboubeh Karimi Alavijeh (AFIAP)PeaceIran/ Isfahan
Manolis Kartsonakis (EFIAP/b)The blue hourGreece/ Heraklion
Edris KhosravizadehLandscape02Iran/ Javanroud
Janez Kramar (EFIAP)Carst lakeSlovenia/ Radovljica
Janez Kramar (EFIAP)Different TuscanySlovenia/ Radovljica
Slobodan Krstic (EFIAP/d1 - ESFIAP)DijagonaleBosnia and Herzegovina/ Bijeljina
Slobodan Krstic (EFIAP/d1 - ESFIAP)StadoBosnia and Herzegovina/ Bijeljina
Slobodan Krstic (EFIAP/d1 - ESFIAP)Ostrvo u sutonBosnia and Herzegovina/ Bijeljina
Zvonko Kucelin (EFIAP/s)departure 12Croatia/ Zadar
Vili Kuronen (EFIAP/b)LapplandFinland/ Vantaa
Ron Lines (EFIAP)Bristol Suspension BridgeWales/ Ebbw Vale
Ron Lines (EFIAP)Rape seed fieldWales/ Ebbw Vale
Ron Lines (EFIAP)The BoathouseWales/ Ebbw Vale
Dominique Logeais (AFIAP)CrepusculeFrance/ Beaupreau
Dominique Logeais (AFIAP)Jour de givre 2France/ Beaupreau
Dominique Logeais (AFIAP)Jour de givre (FIAP Ribbon)France/ Beaupreau
Daniel Lybaert (EFIAP/d3)Glooiend landschapNetherlands/ Ijzendijke
Daniel Lybaert (EFIAP/d3)Drie schapen in kleurNetherlands/ Ijzendijke
Bruno Madeddu (EFIAP/d2)Paesaggio con neve2Italy/ Sarzana
Bruno Madeddu (EFIAP/d2)BavieraItaly/ Sarzana
Bruno Madeddu (EFIAP/d2)Luce Toscana n20Italy/ Sarzana
Bruno Madeddu (EFIAP/d2)PROVENCE n21Italy/ Sarzana
Alexander Makarov (EFIAP/b)Island 2Israel/ Netanya
Alexander Makarov (EFIAP/b)IslandIsrael/ Netanya
Kaveh Manafzadehsouth beachIran/ Urmia
Kaveh Manafzadehkazim dashi2Iran/ Urmia
Abdolmoeed Marufipink lakeIran/ Urmia
Babak Mehrafshar (EFIAP)edge of gloryIran/ Isfahan
Babak Mehrafshar (EFIAP)alone bushIran/ Isfahan
Babak Mehrafshar (EFIAP)islands of mountainsIran/ Isfahan
Robert Millin (EFIAP/p - MFIAP - MPSA)Millenium Bridge4England/ Ellesmere Port
Robert Millin (EFIAP/p - MFIAP - MPSA)Pilgrimage Church of the AssumptionEngland/ Ellesmere Port
Robert Millin (EFIAP/p - MFIAP - MPSA)St Thomas Church in Early Morning MEngland/ Ellesmere Port
Hugh Milsom (EFIAP/d1 - MFIAP)Green and GoldUnited Kingdom/ Ware
Hugh Milsom (EFIAP/d1 - MFIAP)Hill Farm Tuscany 4143United Kingdom/ Ware
Negin Mohamadi Fardpaveh cityIran/ Isfahan
Hossein Mohammad Hossein ZadehSleeping BeautyIran/ Sisakht
Hossein Mohammad Hossein ZadehBurning CityIran/ Sisakht
Hossein Mohammad Hossein Zadehheaven in winterIran/ Sisakht
Saeed MohammadzadehNight cruise shipIran/ Bandare Anzali
Saeed MohammadzadehEnd of floating (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Bandare Anzali
Saeed MohammadzadehMineral starsIran/ Bandare Anzali
Ayad Mousavidesert3Iran/ Esfahan
Ayad MousavisunriseIran/ Esfahan
Amirhossein NaghianWINTERIran/ Tehran
Milad NalbandiyanDesertIran/ Isfahan
Behnam NasriRepeatIran/ Esfahan
Amir Nazari (AFIAP)heavenIran/ Semnan
Amir Nazari (AFIAP)Polar roundIran/ Semnan
Ali Nejatbakhsh Esfahani (EFIAP)VillageIran/ Esfahan
Ali Nejatbakhsh Esfahani (EFIAP)zhiwarIran/ Esfahan
Sue Oconnell (EFIAP/d3)Bromo Tengger Semeru National ParkEngland/ Bristol
Sue Oconnell (EFIAP/d3)Dawn over Volcano LandscapeEngland/ Bristol
Sue Oconnell (EFIAP/d3)Herding in BaganEngland/ Bristol
Siamak Omidihotl marinaIran/ Kermanshah
Laszlo Papp (AFIAP)Dream in GreenHungary/ Budapest
Laszlo Papp (AFIAP)Is this the heaven (Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Budapest
Alan PeacockBolton Abbey IEngland/ Keighley
Susan PearmainSunrise In the Grand TetonsUnited Kingdom/ Shirley, Solihull
Heinz Peks (EFIAP)Macchu Pichu2Germany/ Schwanfeld
Heinz Peks (EFIAP)Drei Zinnen (Honorable Mention)Germany/ Schwanfeld
Plamen Petkov (EFIAP)Awaiting the stormBulgaria/ Enina
Plamen Petkov (EFIAP)Yellow sea under the blue skyBulgaria/ Enina
Plamen Petkov (EFIAP)On the edge of the stormBulgaria/ Enina
Bernhard Pfeiff (EFIAP/s)Greenland 12Germany/ Luedenscheid
Penny Piddock (EFIAP)Iconic Eilean DonanEngland/ Weymouth
Marian Plaino (EFIAP/s)green dreamsRomania/ Bucuresti
Yury PustovoySunrise in Patagonia (Honorable Mention)Russian Federation/ Moscow
Yury PustovoyTuscanyRussian Federation/ Moscow
Yury PustovoyAutumn in IcelandRussian Federation/ Moscow
Yury PustovoyAutumn in PatagoniaRussian Federation/ Moscow
Farzaneh Rabieesaint petersburgIran/ Karaj
Neda Racki (EFIAP/d2)Day in white satinCroatia/ Zagreb
Neda Racki (EFIAP/d2)Natural layersCroatia/ Zagreb
Andreja Ravnak (EFIAP/d1)morning rhapsodySlovenia/ Celje
Asit Kumar Ray (EFIAP)FAIRY TALE 1India/ Howrah
Asit Kumar Ray (EFIAP)MYTHON 1India/ Howrah
Ann RayersLone Tree in WinterEngland/ Horsham
Ann RayersPalouse LandscapeEngland/ Horsham
Olle Robin (EFIAP)Lupin horseSweden/ Stockholm
Jerry Louis Ruff (AFIAP)TretsteinGermany/ Eisenheim
Jerry Louis Ruff (AFIAP)TriefensteinGermany/ Eisenheim
Jerry Louis Ruff (AFIAP)WintereinbruchGermany/ Eisenheim
Shuvashis Saha (EFIAP)Hillside Golf courseIndia/ Raiganj
Shuvashis Saha (EFIAP)Pattern 10India/ Raiganj
Mohammad SaneiiBadabsurtIran/ Mashhad
Mohammad SaneiiSeaIran/ Mashhad
Mohammad SaneiiwoodIran/ Mashhad
Susanne Seiffert (EFIAP/g)BeachballGermany/ Kaufbeuren
Alireza ShahhamzehFoormIran/ Kashan
Alireza ShahhamzehTanha (Honorable Mention)Iran/ Kashan
Georgios Shammas (AFIAP)Color explosionCyprus/ Nicosia
Georgios Shammas (AFIAP)Rocky lighthousCyprus/ Nicosia
Jeanpierre Simon (EFIAP/b)Clouds in the valleyFrance/ Rueil-Malmaison
Claude Simon (EFIAP/d3)Evening in DeadvleiBelgium/ Liege
Roy Smith (EFIAP)AfterlightScotland/ Ayr
Roy Smith (EFIAP)Kilchurn CastleScotland/ Ayr
Julian Stelling (EFIAP/g)Frosty DawnEngland/ Chorley
Julian Stelling (EFIAP/g)Storm ForceEngland/ Chorley
Marie Laure Stone (EFIAP/p)Iceland wildernessEngland/ Folkestone
Marie Laure Stone (EFIAP/p)Magical nightEngland/ Folkestone
Jasim Suljanovic (EFIAP)Flight with a ballonSlovenia/ Begunje Na Gorenjskem
Jijun SunPrairie fairylandChina/ Zhuhai
Atle Sveen (EFIAP/s)January sunset in NorwayNorway/ Gaupen
Anthoula Symeou Shammamilky lighthouseCyprus/ Nicosia
Anthoula Symeou ShammaOrcia valleyCyprus/ Nicosia
Amirehsan TajarrodUp abouve the cloudsIran/ Tehran
Lee Eng Tan (EFIAP - MPSA)Hemu HousesSingapore/ Sg
Bill Terrance (EFIAP/p)Golden GrassesScotland/ Newmilns
Bill Terrance (EFIAP/p)Glen CoeScotland/ Newmilns
Antonella Tomassi (EFIAP/d1)Solitary houseItaly/ Scandicci
Giuseppe Tomelleri (EFIAP/d3 - MFIAP)Val d Orcia nr 7Italy/ Verona
Giuseppe Tomelleri (EFIAP/d3 - MFIAP)Val d Orcia nr 9 (FPC Bronze Medal)Italy/ Verona
Phong Tran (MPSA - EFIAP/d2)Colorful terraced fieldVietnam/ Pleiku
Phong Tran (MPSA - EFIAP/d2)Lapantan rice terraceVietnam/ Pleiku
Phong Tran (MPSA - EFIAP/d2)Mu Cang Chai TerracesVietnam/ Pleiku
Angie Tucker (EFIAP/b)Mountain CloudsEngland/ Walsall
Nuket Ulucsnow whiteTurkey/ Istanbul
Nuket UlucwindmillsTurkey/ Istanbul
Ilkka Valkila (EFIAP)Val dOrcia morning 3Finland/ Ylinen
Marcel Van Balken (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA - MFIAP)Winter FlachauNetherlands/ Vinkeveen
Marcel Van Balken (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA - MFIAP)Sunflower lightingNetherlands/ Vinkeveen
Marcel Van Balken (EFIAP/d3 - MPSA - MFIAP)PillarrockNetherlands/ Vinkeveen
Louis Van Calsteren (EFIAP/p)Chemin de traverseBelgium/ Alleur
Claudia Van Zanten (AFIAP)BleikNetherlands/ Delft
Mikko Vapanen (EFIAP)Kauttuarapid 5320Finland/ Vasarainen
Annemarie Vermaat (EFIAP/g - MFIAP)georgieNetherlands/ Dirksland
Djordje Vukicevic (EFIAP/d3 - HonEFIAP)Longsheng sunrise 002Serbia/ Novi Sad
Michael Walch (AFIAP)SeeGermany/ Immenstadt
Margaret Watson (EFIAP/b)Windmills and CastleSpain/ Galera
John Whitby (EFIAP/p - MFIAP)Iceland PowerEngland/ Leicester
Trevor Woods (EFIAP)Fog on the Tyne is Mine 262England/ Barnard Castle
Jifan WuEcological tea gardenChina/ Fuzhou
Yinqin XuAquaculture landscapeChina/ Fuzhou
Yinqin XuPhotovoltaic solar energyChina/ Fuzhou
Yinqin XuThree peaks at dawnChina/ Fuzhou
Iman Yadmellat (AFIAP)A view of the sunsetIran/ Shiraz
Saeed Younesinight of milky wayIran/ Damavand
Mostafa ZafariEye of milky wayIran/ Mashhad
Amin Zamzam (AFIAP)abandoned at sea 02Iran/ Abadan